




毛毛 生日:2007年8月3日 品種:蘇格蘭折耳貓


確實,毛毛的四肢粗短,而且肥短的尾巴是很像蘇格蘭折耳貓的特徵。當然兩隻折耳貓生下的小貓會有可能是畸型貓。有一天 妹妹不小心踩到毛毛的腳,才發現她後腳腫起來,到了醫院照了X光才發現她後腳畸形長了骨贅。才知道為甚麼她跳躍能力為甚麼會那麼差,之後畸形變得嚴重,坐姿也開始變得奇怪。我在網路上面找了相關資訊,這種病叫做 蘇格蘭折耳貓骨軟骨發育不良 原來折耳貓本身就是因為畸形才會讓耳朵垂下來,同時醫生也說很可能她一歲就不能走路了。因為看到相關文章說鹽酸氨基葡萄糖(類似維骨力)有人使用來治療同樣發病的貓,我就把家裡的"鹽酸氨基葡萄糖"給她吃。




毛毛竟然跑到我的桌上睡覺,馬上拿條小魚乾捉弄她。看來她似乎夢到自己正在吃大餐一直不肯醒來,用小魚乾碰她的鼻子好久才趕快醒來吃掉這條小魚,不知道跟她夢中的那條比起來哪一邊比較美味呢?? ^^"



Photoshop 改變唇色








Asia’s new export: rampant inflation

近年新興國家的崛起也漸漸改變全球資源分配狀況。在一片欣欣向榮中大家的需求慾望越來越多,賺了國外的錢之後如果不好好疏通就會使得國內資產價格越來越高,當然也會左右全球商品價格。而政府對抗通貨膨脹也是相當苦惱,太輕了沒用但是太重了又怕把整個經濟打趴了。地球的資源並不是用之不竭的,要解決原物料的危機只能寄望些替代品了,當然這問題無法立即解決,所以現在的我們就只能節約使用了!!! 原文出自Financial Times

Published: June 8 2008 18:34 | Last updated: June 8 2008 18:34

Asian governments and central banks have belatedly woken up to the menace of rising inflation. The Indonesian and Philippine central banks have both raised their benchmark interest rates by 25 basis points, but it is not enough, and policymakers elsewhere in Asia must show greater vigour.

A quarter of a percentage point on interest rates will still leave monetary policy too loose in Asia’s current economic climate.Indonesia’s rate rise to 8.5 per cent followed a similar increase in May, but that was the first upward move since 2005, and inflation is already above 10 per cent. Manila’s rise to 5.25 per cent was the first in three years, and inflation is at a nine-year high of 9.6 per cent.

The widespread emergence in the region of such negative real interest rates – UBS says that in Asia excluding Japan the gap averages 1.7 per cent, while according to Goldman Sachs, Singapore and China each have negative real rates of 5 per cent or more – suggests that Asian policymakers need to
adopt far more radical measures to combat inflation. In most cases that will mean allowing currency appreciation against the dollar and so reducing the need to import the loose monetary policy of the US.

The battle is important to the developed world, because China and the rest of Asia are no longer exporting benign deflation through their trade in manufactured goods. But it is also vital for Asia itself. Inflation in
some countries is downright alarming – in Vietnam inflation rose in May to 25.2 per cent, its highest since 1992 – and although the headline number for the Chinese consumer price index is likely to dip in the
near term, Asian central banks have lost a lot of credibility as inflation fighters.

Food and oil prices remain high, albeit off their peaks, and several governments have been forced to abandon or reduce the fiscally unsustainable fuel subsidies that have helped artificially to contain inflation in the past. Unless the authorities show some will, a vicious circle of high inflationary expectations, rising wages, and so higher prices will quickly take hold.

Asia’s reluctance to tackle inflation is surprising, given the obvious dangers to economic stability, the political risks associated with rising prices in countries such as India and the cushion that exists in the form of robust economic growth. Inflation must be fought, even if it means sacrificing ultra-fast economic growth for a limited time and deflating asset bubbles further. Neither the supercharged growth nor the bubbles are indefinitely sustainable anyway.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008